Real estate
1. Digital Clearance
NO MORE STANDING IN LONG QUEUES!… Have your land documents uploaded in the new land government system and pay for rates, change ownership, put or lift a caveat and all other land transactions in the comfort of your chair anywhere, anytime.
2. Dreams Residential Plots
Located behind Northrise University, just within 3.2km from Kitwe – Ndola Dual Carriage Way and 4.5km from Ndola Main Airport, Dreams offer the best titled land in the City conveniently located at such reasonable rates. All Residential Plots measure 600sqm (30×20) and sit in a well designed neighborhood meant to provide security, serenity and cohesion. Pick a payment plan from cash to 18 months installments depending on what best suits you.
3. Eco Holdings
Located just 22km from Jacaranda Mall and only 8km off the Ndola – Kapiri Road, bordered with a huge (Swampy) dambo area with electricity on site, ECO HOLDINGS provides both a pristine location to settle and connect with nature but also a land “flowing with milk and honey” due to its agriculture potential in the midst of drought and food scarcity everywhere. At ECO Holdings, you have an opportunity to conduct farming activities throughout the year and get more than just land. Holdings are on title with no hidden costs. Make your reservations NOW!
4. Property Management
Are you BUSY or far from your PROPERTY? Focused on other things or there is no one to ENTRUST? Are you having headaches on maintenance, repairs, tenant management and other issues on your property even after investing so much developing it. Relax, have your peace of mind and enjoy the fruits of your labor while we handle all the hustle that comes with property. Sample our Property Management offerings and options and see the value grow in your property, your time and your life.
5. Title Processing
Imagine owning a car but you have no White Book or it is someone’s name… Ensure your land is legally registered in your name, or JOINT OWNERSHIP, or in TRUST (for your children) by getting a 99 Years lease (Title Deed). Whether land is TRADITIONAL or STATE and at whatever stage it is – we ensure it is fully registered and legally so
Why Real Estate Services with us?
- It's Cheaper
- It's Safer
- It's Convinient