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3957, Kwacha Road, Kansenshi, Ndola

Working Hours 07:30 to 18:00

Planning & Geomatics

1. Consultancy Services

Are you looking for technical consultancy services around Integrated Development Planning (IDP), Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, Research, training, land governance and/or community based project programming?. Simply talk to us and share ideas on your proposed project and together we shall achieve your objectives

2. Numbering

Have your property or Site Plan fully registered (Numbered) in the national land registration system.

3. Change of Use_Planning Permission

Do you want to turn your residential plot or a house into a Lodge, a Boarding House, Offices, Private School… or a Farm into Residential Plots? Never be found on the wrong side of the law with penalties even possible demolition! Get Planning Permission from the local Planning Authority and conduct your business with a peace of mind…

4. Beacon Verification

Establish your correct boundaries to avoid possible conflicts/land disputes with neighboring properties. 

5. Beacon Placement and Survey Diagrams

Did you know that a beacon once placed and approved by Surveyor General becomes government property?  Ensure your properties are officially marked (beacons) and have legal documentation (Survey Diagrams) to enable you process title deeds.

6. Resettlement Action Planning

Before you embark on your medium to large scale developments that may affect households, settlers or communities ensure their interests and concerns are thoroughly and fully addressed from the onset by having a well documented RAP and you will be happy you did it.

7. Social Economic Surveys

We conduct various research and collect data using modern tools such as Open Data Kits (ODK) and conduct technical analyses to client specifications and more. Our Reports are well researched and provide rich technical recommendations to allow our clients make informed decisions. Talk to us TODAY… 

8. Site Planning Local_Area Planning

At Trending Group, Site Planning is more than drawing lines and boxes but a technical process that enables Clients/communities maximize the current value of their land while deriving exponential future benefits on it. In every plan, we work with clients to see beyond the present by ensuring standards are adhered to, appropriate services are provided to achieve coordinated development and environmentally responsive plans. We do plan in CUSTOMARY LAND (Traditional) or State land with strict adherence to planning standards and ethics. Never compromise on quality and standards by dealing with the Professionals…

Why Real Estate Services with us?